Friday 18 December 2015

The Working Man’s Pint

The Working Man’s Pint was inspired by re-reading of A pint of plain by Flann O’Brien. The chorus was composed as I hungrily endured the wait for my pint to settle after a hot and dusty day’s work.
Mick Lynch 2009


The Working Man’s Pint

The working man’s pint, oh the working man’s pint
No halves or no shorts or cocktails will suffice
I know cos I’ve tried them in error before
Oh the pint’s what the artisan truly adores.

In the days of the pyramids history does tell
The bosses were cruel. Conditions were hell
But the pharaoh was crafty and at fall of night
The slaves they queued up for their couple of pints
But then came the locust and ate all the grain
It was pints and not Moses that made up their minds
So they upped and left Egypt in search of a pint


In his Grecian Jacuzzi sat wise Archimedes
Encumbered with numbers and lumbered with theories
The problem in question was fluid displacement
The more they poured in it poured out on the pavement
He thought of the points and the quarts he’d imbibed
Reminisced on the pisses he’d had on the sly
He jumped up in the tub and jumped over the side
Said the streaker, Eureka, it’s down to the pints


Leonardo Da Vinci was faced with a teaser
He’d got a commission to paint Mona Lisa
Just to make her look nice the advice from her geezer
But try as he might Leo just couldn’t please her
He laughed and he danced and he sang, he beguiled
But he just couldn’t get the old bugger to smile
So he plied her with cider, it took him a while
T’was the quarts that distorted her face in that style.


On the bridge of the Enterprise Captain Kirk sighed
The Diluthium Crystal had finally died
The Klingons were closing, the future looked bleak
They had power for an hour never mind for a week
‘till a voice on the intercom said with some pride
This is Scotty, I’ve found some I’d put to one side
So go up to warp 9, leave the Klingons behind
Celebrate because later you’re buying the pints


When you reach your life’s end and you go see your maker
Be you Buddhist or Baptist or Papist or Quaker
Unless you’re a sadist, a rapist or faker
A doer of harm or a total piss taker
St Peter will greet you with arms open wide
He’ll unlatch the catch and he’ll haul you inside
With his arm round your shoulder with joy he’ll confide
That the stout’s on the house ‘till the end of all time.


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